Fifteen Dollars a Year


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When we launched in 2019, our idea was to create a sustainable model for providing high-quality nonpartisan state and local news.

Over the last two years — as most of our competitors were failing — we managed to grow an audience of about 170,000 monthly readers that spans the state and the political spectrum.

We’ve tried our best to be good…

  • CT Examiner is free of advertising

  • CT Examiner will never sell your personal information

  • We treat our employees well — with better pay and better benefits than our competitors, including paid maternity leave before it was the law

And for 3 1/2 years we haven’t asked for anything — now I’m asking.

Asking, not because we are failing, but because we have a plan to grow, to hire more staff, to provide more in-depth investigative journalism, and better coverage to more towns…

And we think we can do it for $15 a year.

On the plus side, you can expect more for your money as we continue to grow. But that also means that we’ll be placing our content behind a paywall.

Questions, suggestions, concerns? Please feel free to drop me a note.

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