Who We Are

The Connecticut Examiner is an online newspaper dedicated to providing quality nonpartisan journalism to the small towns and cities of Connecticut.

Our mission is “to ask big questions in small places.”

Our Staff


Gregory Stroud, Editor in Chief
Catherine “Cate” Hewitt, Deputy Editor
Andy Thibault, Contributing Editor
Angela Carella, Senior Reporter
Robert Storace, Capitol Reporter
Emilia Otte, Staff Reporter
Sophia Muce, Staff Reporter
Meghan Muldoon, Staff Reporter
Francisco Uranga, Staff Reporter
Juliann Ventura, Washington correspondent
Julia Werth, Reporter
Robin Breeding, Art Director


CT Examiner is nonpartisan and will not endorse.

CT Examiner’s news and editorial staff retains full authority over news and editorial content, following best journalistic practices, to provide impartial news in the public interest.

CT Examiner may accept gifts, sponsorships, and advertisements from individuals and organizations for the general support of its activities.

CT Examiner will not sell or share reader analytics or data.

Ownership and Funding

CT Examiner LLC, Gregory Stroud (owner)

Principal funding for The Connecticut Examiner by Illuminating Media LLC, J. David Kelsey