‘A Parody of Indignation is Taking Place in Stamford’


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To the Editor:

I am writing this open letter to the public at large but I believe that it will be of particular interest to my allies against the politics of hate and prejudice and especially those in the Jewish community. A parody of indignation is taking place in Stamford that is devaluing our just cause.

I am specifically addressing the attempt by some local city politicians who are trying to settle their internal political differences with a Hispanic politician by raising the specter of rampant antisemitism. Nothing could be further from the truth.

State Rep. Anabel Figueroa made an inelegant remark to her Latino base in the recent Democratic primary through a Spanish-language media outlet. In her remarks she tried to convince her Latino constituents that they would be better served by electing a Hispanic woman, than by a “white Jewish male.” Her message was one that is frequently used by candidates from underrepresented communities. Statements such as “that Italian guy doesn’t understand our community like I do” or “what does that Irish guy know about our community” or “it’s time for women to call the shots” or “he doesn’t look like us” etc.

While we may all have our opinions as to whether identity politics are proper or not, they are commonplace in America. Now, as to the uproar in Stamford. It is critical that we understand what is happening and put it in perspective.

Anabel is the only Latina woman currently serving in the state House in the entire southern half of the state of Connecticut, and when her term expires in a few months there will be none. In the heat of the campaign her remarks were made in a clumsy attempt to create a dramatic contrast between her and her opponent. Unfortunately, we are living through a period of rising antisemitism and there is an understandable sensitivity that it may take hold in cities like Stamford. However, as a lifelong adversary of these hate movements, I can attest that Anabel is neither part of nor does she in any way share such hateful sentiments. I am sure that she would be the first to stand up against any assault on the values of equality and justice we hold so dear. Following the reaction to her comments she did not seek, as a bigots would, to double down on her initial remarks but instead she repeatedly attempted to apologize. Her attempts were largely rebuked and her political adversaries have taken full advantage of what could have simply been interpreted as a minor misunderstanding and an opportunity for nurturing better understanding and clearer communications.

Sadly, a savage lynching of her reputation has taken place. This has led to her being unjustly terminated from her hospital job and to her being portrayed in the media as someone akin to a neo nazi. This devalues the struggle against the truly evil forces of antisemitism that have been rearing their ugly heads.

I encourage the public, and especially my Jewish friends, not to allow themselves to be used as pawns in the local intraparty intrigues of this municipality, and especially, don’t give comfort to those who would use a minor incident like this to create a wedge between members of the Jewish and Hispanic communities. Please let cooler heads prevail. There should be no space between allies in our just cause.

Edwin Vargas
Former Deputy Speaker
Connecticut House of Representatives