Fiorello Shows Courageous Leadership Responding to Government Over-Reach


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To the Editor:

In a 2020 letter supporting Kimberly Fiorello’s candidacy for state representative, I wrote that “her personal story is singularly compelling, but what impresses me most is her clear thinking and principled approach to addressing Connecticut’s issues”. After close to two years representing the 149th district, I believe she has reinforced that assessment.

To quote her, “[A} disciplined approach to evaluating legislation, from the details to the bigger picture will help mitigate the worst effects of bad policy and advance only the best policies for our state”. She further said, “To be a leader you must make decisions which distinguish between individual rights and the violation of rights through a collection of entitlements”.

That is the big picture — the unseen cost of those “entitlements” on other people. For example, it sounds nice to say things like “Housing is a right” because we all want our neighbors to have shelter. Fundamentally though, it is not a “right” because it is not inalienable or coming from our Creator; but rather others must be taxed to provide it. The people of Connecticut are generous and have responded to citizen needs, but in a free country they should not be “forced”.   

Kimberly has exhibited courageous leadership as an articulate voice responding to government over-reach and socialistic healthcare policies: her admirable defense of local zoning, her questioning the state budget that included expansion of “free” state healthcare, her education policies that focus on excellent academic learning and puts the needs of students and parents over those of “the system”.  

Going to Kim’s site: I found her clear, principled and specific proposals regarding Local Zoning, Environment, Education, Inflation, Business, Taxes and Spending.

I believe her guiding principles are individual freedom, personal responsibility, limited government, the rule of law, equal protection under the law and an adherence to the morality of capitalism.

She has exhibited her integrity and intelligent leadership in promoting these timeless Constitutional principles.

If you agree, please join in re-electing Kimberly Fiorello as representative of Connecticut’s 149th District.

Walter E. Auch
Greenwich, CT.