‘Extraordinary Times Call for Extraordinary People,’ Vote Rubino


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Our Valley-Shore towns and families are faced with formidable challenges in the unforeseeable future. Our tax bases will hit the wall in 2021. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary people running for office. Now, more than ever, we need representation in Hartford with contemporary skills, creative problem-solving expertise, and the fortitude to take complex issues.

We can no longer live with the “status quo”. Setting ourselves up for a successful recovery from this pandemic crisis requires voting for people who are strong, serious leaders. David Rubino, Democratic candidate for State Representative in the 23rd District, is a person who can think outside of the box to tackle local obstacles head-on.

Dave Rubino is a world-class international human rights lawyer, small business owner, and family man. He has unique insights and years of experience to manage complex projects, oversee finances, and work with a diversity of clients and citizens. A vote for Dave is a vote for a person of substance and talent who is willing to stand up for our district.

Belinda Jones
Westbrook, CT