Letter: Holding the Elected Accountable in East Lyme


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I would like to publicly thank both Mary Biekert of The Day and Chris McDermott of the CT Examiner for their accurate reporting on East Lyme. I also have great appreciation for Lisa Picarazzi for her courage to share her personal experience as Vice Chairperson of the BoF and a Finance member on the PSB Vision Committee in the CT Examiner.  Accurate information allows the rest of us to determine and comment on implications and consequences based in both past events and emerging facts.

By definition, “politics” is what determines the quality of our day-to-day lives. As citizens, many of us care about and want truth and accountability from those in elected office which are the only qualities that make them leaders not politicians. Integrity is always the priority for leaders because only from integrity are the right decisions made. It is our accountability to hold those in elected office accountable.

I feel bad for Nickerson who had many opportunities to change course, but let his ego get in the way of doing the right things in the right ways for the people and Town of East Lyme. He did himself a disservice. Clearly, it’s time for change.

Lucira Jane Nebelung
East Lyme