Letter: Moving Parts


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To the Editor:

While riding a SEAT [Southeast Area Transit] bus to catch Shore Line East — yes, it is possible — I read CT Examiner’s interview with the New London mayor and his comments linking proposed tolls to the cost of mass transit (or perhaps it was just edited that way).

The otherwise helpful and capable SEAT driver happened to make a comment on what a waste of tax dollars the underused bus service is. I laughed to myself, thinking how I’d be fired if I publicly criticized my employer’s business.

An older friend recently asked me about all the “subsidized” and “low income” apartments being built on Route 1 in Pawcatuck. “And now they want sidewalks too in addition to that empty bus?”

I told him only a relatively small number of the apartments are designated “affordable,” and are somewhat less expensive. These for-profit developments and government programs aren’t supported by the Section 8 subsidy. He was shocked to hear that a high percentage of the rentals cost between $1400-2000/month, if you read their ads.

I’m interested in the intersection of transportation and housing policy, but it is complicated. Add health and care costs affected by employment and retirement issues, that vary greatly by age and by what state and county we choose as our primary residence. It becomes a lot of moving parts.

I’m not an authority on transportation subjects and do not want to add to the misinformation. I do want to ask “the experts,” and the public to take an interest in learning more before discussing or posting “facts,” especially before voting at all levels.

Marjorie Crandall