Steve Elci and Friends at Friday Night Folk: New London
May 16, 2025 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
$10 – $20Charisma, leadership and compassion best describe the singer/songwriter Steve Elci
His love for catchy hooks in his musings and soaring vocal style has won him acclaim from fans and critics alike. “Steve Elci is a songwriting machine with the chops and creativity to comfortably establish his own hooks” – Rick Koster, Arts Columnist/Reporter for The Day Paper. “Hey, Didn’t the Beatles Sing About a Submarine” William Yardley – The New York Times.
My vision or philosophy of my work can be summed up from the made-up word called “Edutainment”. Edutainment is “learning through music”. Kids and adults come to dance and have fun at my shows. They get so immersed in having a good time, they don’t even realize they are leaving with a lesson. After my performances, children and adults feel inspired and compelled to learn and grow together and as individuals.
Friday Night Folk at All Souls joyfully supports social and environmental justice by bringing live traditional, contemporary and multicultural folk music to the larger community in a welcoming and accessible performance space.