Don’t Enable Trump, Vote Rubino


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As a CNN television correspondent for “Moneyline with Lou Dobbs,” I was four blocks away from the North Tower of the World Trade Center when it collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001. In that terrorist attack, it was the second tower to go down and the tragedy immediately struck me as the Pearl Harbor of my lifetime as nearly 3,000 people died.

Now, with 1,000 people dying nearly every day, we have a 9/11 scale fatal event every three days due in large part to the monumental mishandling of the pandemic by Donald Trump and Republican elected officials everywhere. Many Republican governors and legislators resist masks and other health measures designed to protect all of us. Look at the infection rates under Republican administrations. Without a doubt, every one of the incumbent Republicans needs to be voted out since their policies may make us all sick.

Under ordinary circumstances, one might be able to make the argument that State Rep. Devin Carney deserves another term in office. Sadly, these are anything but normal times.

In spite of his claim that he does not appreciate Donald Trump’s behavior, the real test for Carney is in what he does in Hartford, where he falls in line with steadfast Republican support for policies that are enabling Donald Trump’s destruction of democracy.

As Trump, the head of the Republican party, attacks the rule of law, denigrates truth in science, sows divisiveness and puts the health of the entire nation at risk, what we have left is a Republican Party that has sacrificed its moral authority and its principles on the national, state and local level.

So, starting here in Lyme, my family and I can not support Devin Carney, a sheep cloaked in the murderous health policies of Donald Trump and the Republican Party. We will be voting for Dave Rubino, his Democratic opponent, who has been consistently outspoken about the Trump administration and about the Republican agenda in Hartford.

This year, we are voting the straight Democratic ticket. If the Republican Party ever retrieves its soul, maybe we will consider voting for some of its candidates. For now, there is no merit to their positions on the most important life-and-death issues.

Allan Dodds Frank
Lyme, CT