Goupil Has Vision, Foresight and Pragmatism


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As a member of the Town of Clinton’s Planning and Zoning Commission, I strongly endorse Christine Goupil, who is seeking election as State Representative for the 33rd District. 

As a former first selectman for Clinton and a prior member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Christine has shown extraordinary vision and foresight for the Town and its neighboring communities, anchored by a strong sense of pragmatism.  She took the lead in planning for the redevelopment of the old Morgan School site and the Unilever plant and in developing many of the regulations guiding these redevelopment projects. 

Christine also took a broader, region-wide perspective with respect to these important sites, for example by promoting the railway station expansion and the Route 81 traffic study that will ensure enhanced access to better link these projects to Killingworth, Westbrook, and the rest of the Shoreline. Her planning focus, administrative skill, and professionalism and transparency in helping to negotiate these projects ensured that they will not only provide needed jobs and services to Shoreline residents, but also provide many amenities to Clinton and its neighboring communities. 

I am confident that Christine will continue to show these same qualities when representing the 33rd District in her legislative capacity, should she win election, and therefore encourage your readers to vote for her for State Representative.

Martin Jaffe
Clinton, CT