Women Have a Lot to Gain From Democrats Like Dave Rubino


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Recently, I had the good fortune of hearing Dave Rubino speak at the Westbrook town green. Dave is the Democratic candidate for the 23rd Congressional District in Connecticut, or Old Saybrook, Old Lyme, Lyme, and the shore community of Westbrook.

I left the green feeling inspired and energized. Dave supports families, women’s rights, health care for all, and the sanctity of the democratic voting process.

Dave is exactly the type of leader we need right now, and we need to make that happen with our votes. Women, in particular, have a lot to gain from Democrats like Dave being elected to public office. We need to stand behind the only political party that sees women as equal members of society, and that understands the value of democracy, rule of law, good governance, honesty, and hope for the future.

Vote for Dave in the 23rd District, and vote for Democrats in every election—local, state, and national.

Betsy Groth, APRN
Old Lyme, CT